Package 'roundwork'

Title: Rounding Infrastructure
Description: Flexible rounding functions for use in error detection. They were outsourced from the 'scrutiny' package.
Authors: Lukas Jung [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Lukas Jung <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.0.1
Built: 2025-02-24 05:19:27 UTC

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Generalized rounding to the nearest fraction of a specified denominator


Two functions that round numbers to specific fractions, not just to the next higher decimal level. They are inspired by janitor::round_to_fraction() but feature all the options of reround():

  • reround_to_fraction() closely follows janitor::round_to_fraction() by first rounding to fractions of a whole number, then optionally rounding the result to a specific number of digits in the usual way.

  • reround_to_fraction_level() rounds to the nearest fraction of a number at the specific decimal level (i.e., number of digits), without subsequent rounding. This is closer to conventional rounding functions.


  x = NULL,
  denominator = 1,
  digits = Inf,
  rounding = "up_or_down",
  threshold = 5,
  symmetric = FALSE

  x = NULL,
  denominator = 1,
  digits = 0L,
  rounding = "up_or_down",
  threshold = 5,
  symmetric = FALSE



Numeric. Vector of numbers to be rounded.


Numeric (>= 1) . x will be rounded to the nearest fraction of denominator. Default is 1.


Numeric (whole numbers).

  • In reround_to_fraction(): If digits is specified, the values resulting from fractional rounding will subsequently be rounded to that many decimal places. If set to "auto", it internally becomes ceiling(log10(denominator)) + 1, as in janitor::round_to_fraction(). Default is Inf, in which case there is no subsequent rounding.

  • In reround_to_fraction_level(): This function will round to a fraction of the number at the decimal level specified by digits. Default is 0.

rounding, threshold, symmetric

More arguments passed down to reround().


Numeric vector of the same length as x unless rounding is either of "up_or_down", "up_from_or_down_from", and "ceiling_or_floor". In these cases, it will always have length 2.

See Also

reround(), which the functions wrap, and janitor::round_to_fraction(), part of which they copy.


#`reround_to_fraction()` rounds `0.4`
# to `0` if `denominator` is `1`, which
# is the usual integer rounding...
reround_to_fraction(0.4, denominator = 1, rounding = "even")

# ...but if `denominator` is `2`, it rounds to the nearest
# fraction of 2, which is `0.5`:
reround_to_fraction(0.4, denominator = 2, rounding = "even")

# Likewise with fractions of 3:
reround_to_fraction(0.25, denominator = 3, rounding = "even")

# The default for `rounding` is to round
# both up and down, as in `reround()`:
reround_to_fraction(0.4, denominator = 2)

# These two rounding procedures differ
# at the tie points:
reround_to_fraction(0.25, denominator = 2)

# `reround_to_fraction_level()`, in contrast,
# uses `digits` to determine some decimal level,
# and then rounds to the closest fraction at
# that level:
reround_to_fraction_level(0.12345, denominator = 2, digits = 0)
reround_to_fraction_level(0.12345, denominator = 2, digits = 1)
reround_to_fraction_level(0.12345, denominator = 2, digits = 2)

IEEE 754 rounding standard


These functions implement the industry standard IEEE 754:

  • round_ties_to_even() rounds to the nearest value. If both are at equal distance, it tends to round to the even number (see base::round() for details).

  • round_ties_to_away() rounds to the nearest value. If both are at equal distance, it rounds to the number with the greater absolute value, i.e., the number that is further away from zero.

  • round_toward_positive() always rounds to the greater of the two nearest values. This is like ceiling at a given number of decimal places.

  • round_toward_negative() always rounds to the lesser of the two nearest values. This is like flooring at a given number of decimal places.

  • round_toward_zero() always rounds to the number with the lower absolute value, i.e., the number that is closer to zero. This is like truncation at a given number of decimal places.


round_ties_to_even(x, digits = 0, ...)

round_ties_to_away(x, digits = 0)

round_toward_positive(x, digits = 0)

round_toward_negative(x, digits = 0)

round_toward_zero(x, digits = 0)



Numeric. The decimal number to round.


Integer. Number of digits to round x to. Default is 0.


Only in round_ties_to_even(). Passed down to base::round().


The function names follow the official standard except for case conventions (IEEE 2019, pp. 27f.; the Wikipedia page is more accessible but uses slightly different names).

Internally, these functions are just wrappers around other roundwork functions as well as base::round(). They are presented here for easy compliance with the IEEE 754 standard in R.


Numeric. x rounded to digits.


IEEE (2019). IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic.


# Round to the nearest value. In case of a tie,
# the result is hard to predict but tends to be even:
round_ties_to_even(1.25, digits = 1)
round_ties_to_even(-1.25, digits = 1)

# Round to the nearest value. In case of a tie,
# round away from zero:
round_ties_to_away(1.25, digits = 1)
round_ties_to_away(-1.25, digits = 1)

# Always round to the greater value:
round_toward_positive(0.721, digits = 2)
round_toward_positive(-0.721, digits = 2)

# Always round to the lesser value:
round_toward_negative(3.249, digits = 2)
round_toward_negative(-3.249, digits = 2)

# Always round toward zero:
round_toward_zero(6.38, digits = 1)
round_toward_zero(-6.38, digits = 1)

General interface to reconstructing rounded numbers


reround() takes one or more intermediate reconstructed values and rounds them in some specific way – namely, the way they are supposed to have been rounded originally, in the process that generated the reported values.

This function provides an interface to all of scrutiny's rounding functions as well as base::round(). It is used as a helper within scrutiny::grim(), scrutiny::grimmer(), and scrutiny::debit(); and it might find use in other places for consistency testing or reconstruction of statistical analyses.


  digits = 0L,
  rounding = "up_or_down",
  threshold = 5,
  symmetric = FALSE



Numeric. Vector of possibly original values.


Integer. Number of decimal places in the reported key values (i.e., mean or percentage within scrutiny::grim(), or standard deviation within scrutiny::grimmer()).


String. The rounding method that is supposed to have been used originally. See vignette("rounding-options"). Default is "up_or_down", which returns two values: x rounded up and down.


Integer. If rounding is set to "up_from", "down_from", or "up_from_or_down_from", threshold must be set to the number from which the reconstructed values should then be rounded up or down. Otherwise irrelevant. Default is 5.


Logical. Set symmetric to TRUE if the rounding of negative numbers with "up_or_down", "up", "down", "up_from_or_down_from", "up_from", or "down_from" should mirror that of positive numbers so that their absolute values are always equal. Otherwise irrelevant. Default is FALSE.


reround() internally calls the appropriate rounding function(s) determined by the rounding argument. See vignette("rounding-options") for a complete list of values that rounding can take.

For the specific rounding functions themselves, see documentation at round_up(), round_ceiling(), and base::round().


Numeric vector of length 1 or 2. (It has length 1 unless rounding is "up_or_down", "up_from_or_down_from", or"ceiling_or_floor", in which case it has length 2.)


# You can specify the rounding procedure:
reround(4.1679, digits = 2, rounding = "up")

# Default is roundding both up and down:
reround(4.1679, digits = 2)

Compute rounding bias


Rounding often leads to bias, such that the mean of a rounded distribution is different from the mean of the original distribution. Call rounding_bias() to compute the amount of this bias.


  rounding = "up",
  threshold = 5,
  symmetric = FALSE,
  mean = TRUE



Numeric or string coercible to numeric.


Integer. Number of decimal digits to which x will be rounded.


String. Rounding procedure that will be applied to x. See vignette("rounding-options"). Default is "up".

threshold, symmetric

Further arguments passed down to reround().


Logical. If TRUE (the default), the mean total of bias will be returned. Set mean to FALSE to get a vector of individual biases the length of x.


Bias is calculated by subtracting the original vector, x, from a vector rounded in the specified way.

The function passes all arguments except for mean down to reround(). Other than there, however, rounding is "up" by default, and it can't be set to "up_or_down", "up_from_or_down_from", or"ceiling_or_floor".


Numeric. By default of mean, the length is 1; otherwise, it is the same length as x.


# Define example vector:
vec <- seq(from = 0.01, to = 0.1, by = 0.01)

# The default rounds `x` up from 5:
rounding_bias(x = vec, digits = 1)

# Other rounding procedures are supported,
# such as rounding down from 5...
rounding_bias(x = vec, digits = 1, rounding = "down")

# ...or rounding to even with `base::round()`:
rounding_bias(x = vec, digits = 1, rounding = "even")

Common rounding procedures


round_up() rounds up from 5, round_down() rounds down from 5. Otherwise, both functions work like base::round().

round_up() and round_down() are special cases of round_up_from() and round_down_from(), which allow users to choose custom thresholds for rounding up or down, respectively.


round_up_from(x, digits = 0L, threshold, symmetric = FALSE)

round_down_from(x, digits = 0L, threshold, symmetric = FALSE)

round_up(x, digits = 0L, symmetric = FALSE)

round_down(x, digits = 0L, symmetric = FALSE)



Numeric. The decimal number to round.


Integer. Number of digits to round x to. Default is 0.


Integer. Only in round_up_from() and round_down_from(). Threshold for rounding up or down, respectively. Value is 5 in round_up()'s internal call to round_up_from() and in round_down()'s internal call to round_down_from().


Logical. Set symmetric to TRUE if the rounding of negative numbers should mirror that of positive numbers so that their absolute values are equal. Default is FALSE.


These functions differ from base::round() mainly insofar as the decision about rounding 5 up or down is not based on the integer portion of x (i.e., no "rounding to even"). Instead, in round_up_from(), that decision is determined by the threshold argument for rounding up, and likewise with round_down_from(). The threshold is constant at 5 for round_up() and round_down().

As a result, these functions are more predictable and less prone to floating-point number quirks than base::round(). Compare round_down() and base::round() in the data frame for rounding 5 created in the Examples section below: round_down() yields a continuous sequence of final digits from 0 to 9, whereas base::round() behaves in a way that can only be explained by floating point issues.

However, this surprising behavior on the part of base::round() is not necessarily a flaw (see its documentation, or this vignette: In the present version of R (4.0.0 or later), base::round() works fine, and the functions presented here are not meant to replace it. Their main purpose as helpers within scrutiny is to reconstruct the computations of researchers who might have used different software. See vignette("rounding-options").


Numeric. x rounded to digits.

See Also

round_ceiling() always rounds up, round_floor() always rounds down, round_trunc() always rounds toward 0, and round_anti_trunc() always round away from 0.


# Both `round_up()` and `round_down()` work like
# `base::round()` unless the closest digit to be
# cut off by rounding is 5:

   round_up(x = 9.273, digits = 1)     # 7 cut off
 round_down(x = 9.273, digits = 1)     # 7 cut off
base::round(x = 9.273, digits = 1)     # 7 cut off

   round_up(x = 7.584, digits = 2)     # 4 cut off
 round_down(x = 7.584, digits = 2)     # 4 cut off
base::round(x = 7.584, digits = 2)     # 4 cut off

# Here is the borderline case of 5 rounded by
# `round_up()`, `round_down()`, and `base::round()`:

original <- c(    # Define example values
  0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45,
  0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95
tibble::tibble(   # Output table
  round_up = round_up(x = original, digits = 1),
  round_down = round_down(x = original, digits = 1),
  base_round = base::round(x = original, digits = 1)

# (Note: Defining `original` as `seq(0.05:0.95, by = 0.1)`
# would lead to wrong results unless `original` is rounded
# to 2 or so digits before it's rounded to 1.)

Uncommon rounding procedures


Always round up, down, toward zero, or away from it:

  • round_ceiling() always rounds up.

  • round_floor() always rounds down.

  • round_trunc() always rounds toward zero.

  • round_anti_trunc() always rounds away from zero.

  • anti_trunc() returns the integer further away from zero.

Despite not being widely used, they are featured here in case they are needed for reconstruction.


round_ceiling(x, digits = 0L)

round_floor(x, digits = 0L)

round_trunc(x, digits = 0L)


round_anti_trunc(x, digits = 0L)



Numeric. The decimal number to round.


Integer. Number of digits to round x to. Default is 0.


round_ceiling(), round_floor(), and round_trunc() generalize the base R functions ceiling(), floor(), and trunc(), and include them as special cases: With the default value for digits, 0, these ⁠round_*⁠ functions are equivalent to their respective base counterparts.

The last ⁠round_*⁠ function, round_anti_trunc(), generalizes another function presented here: anti_trunc() works like trunc() except it moves away from 0, rather than towards it. That is, whereas trunc() minimizes the absolute value of x (as compared to the other rounding functions), anti_trunc() maximizes it. anti_trunc(x) is therefore equal to trunc(x) + 1 if x is positive, and to trunc(x) - 1 if x is negative. It only ever returns 0 if x is 0; as 0 does not have a sign.

round_anti_trunc(), then, generalizes anti_trunc() just as round_ceiling() generalizes ceiling(), etc.

Moreover, round_trunc() is equivalent to round_floor() for positive numbers and to round_ceiling() for negative numbers. The reverse is again true for round_anti_trunc(): It is equivalent to round_ceiling() for positive numbers and to round_floor() for negative numbers.


Numeric. x rounded to digits (except for anti_trunc(), which has no digits argument).

See Also

round_up() and round_down() round up or down from 5, respectively. round_up_from() and round_down_from() allow users to specify custom thresholds for rounding up or down.


# Always round up:
round_ceiling(x = 4.52, digits = 1)        # 2 cut off

# Always round down:
round_floor(x = 4.67, digits = 1)          # 7 cut off

# Always round toward 0:
round_trunc(8.439, digits = 2)             # 9 cut off
round_trunc(-8.439, digits = 2)            # 9 cut off

# Always round away from 0:
round_anti_trunc(x = 8.421, digits = 2)    # 1 cut off
round_anti_trunc(x = -8.421, digits = 2)   # 1 cut off

Reconstruct rounding bounds


unround() takes a rounded number and returns the range of the original value: lower and upper bounds for the hypothetical earlier number that was later rounded to the input number. It also displays a range with inequation signs, showing whether the bounds are inclusive or not.

By default, the presumed rounding method is rounding up (or down) from 5. See the Rounding section for other methods.


unround(x, rounding = "up_or_down", threshold = 5, digits = NULL)



String or numeric. Rounded number. x must be a string unless digits is specified (most likely by a function that uses unround() as a helper).


String. Rounding method presumably used to create x. Default is "up_or_down". For more, see section Rounding.


Integer. Number from which to round up or down. Other rounding methods are not affected. Default is 5.


Integer. This argument is meant to make unround() more efficient to use as a helper function so that it doesn't need to redundantly count decimal places. Don't specify it otherwise. Default is NULL, in which case decimal places really are counted internally and x must be a string.


The function is vectorized over x and rounding. This can be useful to unround multiple numbers at once, or to check how a single number is unrounded with different assumed rounding methods.

If both vectors have a length greater than 1, it must be the same length. However, this will pair numbers with rounding methods, which can be confusing. It is recommended that at least one of these input vectors has length 1.

Why does x need to be a string if digits is not specified? In that case, unround() must count decimal places by itself. If x then was numeric, it wouldn't have any trailing zeros because these get dropped from numerics.

Trailing zeros are as important for reconstructing boundary values as any other trailing digits would be. Strings don't drop trailing zeros, so they are used instead.


A tibble with seven columns: range, rounding, lower, incl_lower, x, incl_upper, and upper. The range column is a handy representation of the information stored in the columns from lower to upper, in the same order.


Depending on how x was rounded, the boundary values can be inclusive or exclusive. The incl_lower and incl_upper columns in the resulting tibble are TRUE in the first case and FALSE in the second. The range column reflects this with equation and inequation signs.

However, these ranges are based on assumptions about the way x was rounded. Set rounding to the rounding method that hypothetically lead to x:

Value of rounding Corresponding range
"up_or_down" (default) ⁠lower <= x <= upper⁠
"up" ⁠lower <= x < upper⁠
"down" ⁠lower < x <= upper⁠
"even" (no fix range; NA)
"ceiling" lower < x = upper
"floor" lower = x < upper
"trunc" (positive x) lower = x < upper
"trunc" (negative x) lower < x = upper
"trunc" (zero x) ⁠lower < x < upper⁠
"anti_trunc" (positive x) lower < x = upper
"anti_trunc" (negative x) lower = x < upper
"anti_trunc" (zero x) 0 = x = 0

Base R's own round() (R version >= 4.0.0), referenced by rounding = "even", is reconstructed in the same way as "up_or_down", but whether the boundary values are inclusive or not is hard to predict. Therefore, unround() checks if they are, and informs you about it.

See Also

For more about rounding "up", "down", or to "even", see round_up().

For more about the less likely rounding methods, "ceiling", "floor", "trunc", and "anti_trunc", see round_ceiling().


# By default, the function assumes that `x`
# was either rounded up or down:
unround(x = "2.7")

# If `x` was rounded up, run this:
unround(x = "2.7", rounding = "up")

# Likewise with rounding down...
unround(x = "2.7", rounding = "down")

# ...and with `base::round()` which, broadly
# speaking, rounds to the nearest even number:
unround(x = "2.7", rounding = "even")

# Multiple input number-strings return
# multiple rows in the output data frame:
unround(x = c(3.6, "5.20", 5.174))